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  • How to raise hemoglobin without meat

    From the following recipes, choose the one that suits you best and try to consume it on a regular basis, as a "vitamin supplement" for the body.

    Grind a cup of walnuts and a cup of raw buckwheat groats, add a cup of honey, mix everything, eat a tablespoon every day

    Walnuts, apricots, honey, raisins - all in proportion 1:1 - grind and mix thoroughly, eat 1-3 tablespoons a day (one of the best recipes not only to raise hemoglobin, but also to provide the body with the necessary vitamins).

    Grind 1 cup of prunes, apricots, walnuts, raisins, add honey, add 1-2 lemons with peel (instead of lemon you can add aloe juice), eat 1-3 tablespoons a day

    100 ml of freshly squeezed beet juice, 100 ml of carrot juice, mix and drink (raises hemoglobin literally for 2 days).
    How to raise hemoglobin without meat ⁉️ From the following recipes, choose the one that suits you best and try to consume it on a regular basis, as a "vitamin supplement" for the body. 🔸 Grind a cup of walnuts and a cup of raw buckwheat groats, add a cup of honey, mix everything, eat a tablespoon every day 🔸 Walnuts, apricots, honey, raisins - all in proportion 1:1 - grind and mix thoroughly, eat 1-3 tablespoons a day (one of the best recipes not only to raise hemoglobin, but also to provide the body with the necessary vitamins). 🔸 Grind 1 cup of prunes, apricots, walnuts, raisins, add honey, add 1-2 lemons with peel (instead of lemon you can add aloe juice), eat 1-3 tablespoons a day 🔸 100 ml of freshly squeezed beet juice, 100 ml of carrot juice, mix and drink (raises hemoglobin literally for 2 days).
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    Rare video of a giant from 1901!! The Bible spoke of giants called nephilims, there have been collected evidence to proof that giants did in fact existed! Why are they still trying to cover it all up??!
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