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  • They used urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot & then once a day it was taken & sold to the tannery.

    If you had to do this to survive you were “piss poor.”
    But worse than that were the really poor folk who couldn’t even afford to buy a pot; they “didn’t have a pot to piss in” & were the lowest of the low.

    The next time you are washing your hands & complain because the water temperature isn’t just how you like it, think about how things used to be.

    •Here are some facts about the 1500s.•

    Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and they still smelled pretty good by June.

    Since they were starting to smell, however, brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married.

    Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women, and finally the children.

    Last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it … hence the saying, “Don’t throw the baby out with the Bath water!”

    Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof.

    When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof, resulting in the idiom, “It’s raining cats and dogs.”

    There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could mess up your nice clean bed, therefore, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That’s how canopy beds came into existence.

    The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt, leading folks to coin the phrase “dirt poor.”

    The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on floor to help keep their footing.

    As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until, when you opened the door, it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entrance-way, subsequently creating a “thresh hold.”

    In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire.. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat.

    They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while, and thus the rhyme, “Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old.”

    Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could, “bring home the bacon.” They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and “chew the fat.”

    Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.

    Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the “upper crust.”

    Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days.

    Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial.

    They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up, creating the custom of holding a wake.

    England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a bone-house, and reuse the grave.

    When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive, so they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell.

    Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift.) to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be, "saved by the bell" or was considered a "dead ringer".

    And that’s the truth. Now, whoever said History was boring?

    Scott Brandt

    . . .

    I found this to be an enlightening piece and had to share.

    How is your week going?
    They used urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot & then once a day it was taken & sold to the tannery. If you had to do this to survive you were “piss poor.” But worse than that were the really poor folk who couldn’t even afford to buy a pot; they “didn’t have a pot to piss in” & were the lowest of the low. The next time you are washing your hands & complain because the water temperature isn’t just how you like it, think about how things used to be. •Here are some facts about the 1500s.• Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and they still smelled pretty good by June. Since they were starting to smell, however, brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married. Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women, and finally the children. Last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it … hence the saying, “Don’t throw the baby out with the Bath water!” Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof, resulting in the idiom, “It’s raining cats and dogs.” There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could mess up your nice clean bed, therefore, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That’s how canopy beds came into existence. The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt, leading folks to coin the phrase “dirt poor.” The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until, when you opened the door, it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entrance-way, subsequently creating a “thresh hold.” In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire.. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while, and thus the rhyme, “Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old.” Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could, “bring home the bacon.” They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and “chew the fat.” Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous. Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the “upper crust.” Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up, creating the custom of holding a wake. England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a bone-house, and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive, so they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift.) to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be, "saved by the bell" or was considered a "dead ringer". And that’s the truth. Now, whoever said History was boring? ©️ Scott Brandt . . . I found this to be an enlightening piece and had to share. How is your week going?
    ·24283 Visualizações

  • Game time...Game time...Game time...❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ can we continue....
    90 questions
    Pick a question and I'll answer
    Then I'll pick and you'll answer
    #till we're tired#
    1.ambition? of ur crush?
    3. Greatest fears?
    4.someone you would die for?
    5. Hv u done oralsex?
    6.someone you can tell anything to?
    7. have you ever smoked?
    8. have you ever drunk alcohol?
    9. have you ever done hard drugs?
    10. last time you cried?
    11.who is ur best friend ?
    12.favourite colour?
    13. Are you an alcoholic?
    14. birthday?
    15. bisexual or straight?
    16. Do you prefer sex at night, in the morning, mid-afternoon,?
    17. Introvert or extrovert?
    18. Ur best body part?
    19. Longest sex duration?
    20. if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
    21. Romance or sex?
    22. If I asked politely, would you watch porn with me?
    23. nicknames people call you?
    24. favourite song?
    25. Condoms or raw?
    26. worst thing that ever happened too you?
    27. best thing that ever happened to you?
    28. something you would change about yourself?
    29. full name?
    30. worst mistake?
    31. something your proud of?
    32. Are you a moaner or a screamer when being fucked?
    33. watch a movie or read a book?
    34. ever tried to kill yourself?
    35. favourite TV show?
    36. Wat re you wearing right now(details)?
    37. ever caught a virus or disease ?
    38. special talents?
    39. do you ever wish you could start over?
    40. ever been sexually abused?
    41. Does naughty talk get you aroused?
    42. ever had a near death experience?
    43. If you have a pet, Wat would it be?
    44. Virgin?
    45. Any tattoos?
    46. Are u single or taken?
    47. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
    48. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you?
    49. Last sex?
    50.middle name?
    51.last kiss?
    52.girl bestfriend?
    53.boy bestfriend?
    54.favourite song?
    55 ever cheated on ur bae /boo b4
    56.if you could hv sex with any celeb, who will it be?
    57. first kiss?
    58. play any sports?
    59. one secret?
    60. which bad habits do you have?
    61. longest relationship?
    62. ever had sex with a normal friend?
    63 what do you like in a boy?
    64 what do you like in a girl ?
    65 what's favourite number?
    66 what area do you live?
    67 age?
    68 send me ur nude picture
    69 one thing you can't live without?
    70 ur first sex?
    71 Are you dominant in bed?
    72 Ever exchanged nudes?
    73 do you watch porn?
    74 ever made out with a friend ?
    75 do you like being explored?
    76 do u love me
    77 Wanna date me?.
    78 your bra size
    79 ur sexual fantasy
    80 can u let me touch u
    81 will you hug me?
    82 favorite sex position
    83 has a guy have kissed u in public
    84 has a stranger evr seen ur boobs/dick mistakenly ?
    85 what turns you on?
    86 ever feel like hvn sex on a first date?
    87 best food
    88 will you kiss me?
    89 where is ur favorite spot to be kissed?
    90. hv u ever masturbated?
    91. Would u allow me squezze ur boobs and ass romantically while kissing u?
    92. When do u get horny?
    93. how many nudes have u exchanged?Let's play dirty
    94.Can I turn u on....
    95.Can I make you horny
    96.Say 12 words to me to turn me on I will tell if it worked or not
    97.Can u watch porn together with me
    98.Would you mind if I was there with you giving you a handjob or head job
    99.if I was alone with you,how will you make me have sex with you
    100.Send me a one of your pictures that can seduce mhe
    101.would you allow me squeeze yr dick or ass romantically
    102.if you see me naked what would you do
    103.Tell me one bad thing you would luv me to do to you when we meet in a secret place
    104.Dare me to do one bad thing
    105.if I visit you when you where horny,what bad tin will you do to me
    106do u wear panties to sleep and why
    107.Would you ever kiss me

    108.if I mistakenly touch your boobs or dick,what would you do u find me attractive
    110.Can you go a whole day without your phone
    111.will you fuck me if you had a chance be sincere
    112.Do u think we would do sumtin fun if we get drunk together
    113.what type of undies is he or she wearing
    114.Ever gotten wet on a chat
    115.Baddest thing you h
    ave ever done
    116.Can you keep a secret
    Game time...Game time...Game time...❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓 can we continue.... 90 questions Pick a question and I'll answer Then I'll pick and you'll answer #till we're tired# 1.ambition? of ur crush? 3. Greatest fears? 4.someone you would die for? 5. Hv u done oralsex? 6.someone you can tell anything to? 7. have you ever smoked? 8. have you ever drunk alcohol? 9. have you ever done hard drugs? 10. last time you cried? 11.who is ur best friend ? 12.favourite colour? 13. Are you an alcoholic? 14. birthday? 15. bisexual or straight? 16. Do you prefer sex at night, in the morning, mid-afternoon,? 17. Introvert or extrovert? 18. Ur best body part? 19. Longest sex duration? 20. if you had 3 wishes, what would they be? 21. Romance or sex? 22. If I asked politely, would you watch porn with me? 23. nicknames people call you? 24. favourite song? 25. Condoms or raw? 26. worst thing that ever happened too you? 27. best thing that ever happened to you? 28. something you would change about yourself? 29. full name? 30. worst mistake? 31. something your proud of? 32. Are you a moaner or a screamer when being fucked? 33. watch a movie or read a book? 34. ever tried to kill yourself? 35. favourite TV show? 36. Wat re you wearing right now(details)? 37. ever caught a virus or disease ? 38. special talents? 39. do you ever wish you could start over? 40. ever been sexually abused? 41. Does naughty talk get you aroused? 42. ever had a near death experience? 43. If you have a pet, Wat would it be? 44. Virgin? 45. Any tattoos? 46. Are u single or taken? 47. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? 48. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you? 49. Last sex? 50.middle name? 51.last kiss? 52.girl bestfriend? 53.boy bestfriend? 54.favourite song? 55 ever cheated on ur bae /boo b4 56.if you could hv sex with any celeb, who will it be? 57. first kiss? 58. play any sports? 59. one secret? 60. which bad habits do you have? 61. longest relationship? 62. ever had sex with a normal friend? 63 what do you like in a boy? 64 what do you like in a girl ? 65 what's favourite number? 66 what area do you live? 67 age? 68 send me ur nude picture 69 one thing you can't live without? 70 ur first sex? 71 Are you dominant in bed? 72 Ever exchanged nudes? 73 do you watch porn? 74 ever made out with a friend ? 75 do you like being explored? 76 do u love me 77 Wanna date me?. 78 your bra size 79 ur sexual fantasy 80 can u let me touch u 81 will you hug me? 82 favorite sex position 83 has a guy have kissed u in public 84 has a stranger evr seen ur boobs/dick mistakenly ? 85 what turns you on? 86 ever feel like hvn sex on a first date? 87 best food 88 will you kiss me? 89 where is ur favorite spot to be kissed? 90. hv u ever masturbated? 91. Would u allow me squezze ur boobs and ass romantically while kissing u? 92. When do u get horny? 93. how many nudes have u exchanged?Let's play dirty 94.Can I turn u on.... 95.Can I make you horny 96.Say 12 words to me to turn me on I will tell if it worked or not 97.Can u watch porn together with me 98.Would you mind if I was there with you giving you a handjob or head job 99.if I was alone with you,how will you make me have sex with you 100.Send me a one of your pictures that can seduce mhe 101.would you allow me squeeze yr dick or ass romantically 102.if you see me naked what would you do 103.Tell me one bad thing you would luv me to do to you when we meet in a secret place 104.Dare me to do one bad thing 105.if I visit you when you where horny,what bad tin will you do to me 106do u wear panties to sleep and why 107.Would you ever kiss me 108.if I mistakenly touch your boobs or dick,what would you do u find me attractive 110.Can you go a whole day without your phone 111.will you fuck me if you had a chance be sincere 112.Do u think we would do sumtin fun if we get drunk together 113.what type of undies is he or she wearing 114.Ever gotten wet on a chat 115.Baddest thing you h ave ever done 116.Can you keep a secret
    1 Comentários ·14069 Visualizações
  • I need a very good and lovely fine mummy to be in serious relationship with
    I need a very good and lovely fine mummy to be in serious relationship with ♥️♥️
    ·1870 Visualizações
  • You started winning even before you knew it!!
    You did your part....
    Until you have done all you possibly can, mentally, physically emotionally and spiritually, then you can truly believe you have done your best. That is when God becomes interested in taking over.

    Make everyday you are blessed to see count. Tomorrow is not guaranteed!
    You started winning even before you knew it!! You did your part.... Until you have done all you possibly can, mentally, physically emotionally and spiritually, then you can truly believe you have done your best. That is when God becomes interested in taking over. Make everyday you are blessed to see count. Tomorrow is not guaranteed!
    ·4317 Visualizações
  • Anonymous Confessions
    How my uncle’s wife squirted on me.

    I remember 10 years back when I was just a 13 yo fresh teenager...Was staying with my Uncle and his fiancé who was about her mid 30s...She used to mistreat me everytime my Uncle went on a long journey...I always felt like running away but I didn't did know my way back..Once in a while she'll let me massage her feet for her while she insulted me and tell me how useless i am until one morning when my cousin and my nephew where gone for Saturday classes she had just finished bathing and she called me to massage her feet for her...I decided to make her at least laugh that morning so while rubbing her feet i used my index finger to run the edges of her feet...At that instant she looked at me with a smile so i thought it was working..I continued for about 20 seconds and she asked me to stop and go lock the door.I thought I was in trouble so i lazily walked to the door to lock it...Just when I turned my back she opened her legs she wasn't wearing any panties and her pussy was wet asf ...She asked me if i can play with her pussy... Immediately i felt relieved and jacked up asf ...I started using my fingers to spread the the pussy and shifting the hairs aside...Infact her pussy was so small I was like what has my Uncle been up to all this while? Letting such a meal go to waste??..She asked me to eat her cat and I happily began to do it bcos she had just finished bathing and it was clean and scentless...I started licking her clits while my fingers went in and out the pussy...To be frank her hole was hot and soft at the same time...After a few minutes she started to vibrate and in that instant she started acting weird...She held my head onto her pussy so tight and began to rub her pussy all over my face ...Her hair was just brushing my mouth and nostrils till she started pissing on my face...I was like what the fuck aunty just pissed on me...I had never seen a woman squirt so i thought it was urine...It wasn't yellowish so i was like is it urine or what...I just watched my Aunty lie helplessly on the couch and she was crying...I didn't know what was wrong with her...As for me I just wanted to fuck her mercilessly as revenge for all the insults and beatings she'd done to me over the months I've been with her...I was so hard and thought how nice it would be to fuck my moms age mate ...But just when I wanted to go fuck her in her helpless state I heard a bang on the gate...It was my cousin ... Quickly my aunty tied the cloth she was wearing about her and acted as if she'd poured water on the couch and carpet and asked me to unlock the door...
    Even though I didn't get the chance to fuck her again she began to treat me nice and gave me extra cash when I'm going to school...She also gave me more meat during dinner
    Anonymous Confessions How my uncle’s wife squirted on me. I remember 10 years back when I was just a 13 yo fresh teenager...Was staying with my Uncle and his fiancé who was about her mid 30s...She used to mistreat me everytime my Uncle went on a long journey...I always felt like running away but I didn't did know my way back..Once in a while she'll let me massage her feet for her while she insulted me and tell me how useless i am until one morning when my cousin and my nephew where gone for Saturday classes she had just finished bathing and she called me to massage her feet for her...I decided to make her at least laugh that morning so while rubbing her feet i used my index finger to run the edges of her feet...At that instant she looked at me with a smile so i thought it was working..I continued for about 20 seconds and she asked me to stop and go lock the door.I thought I was in trouble so i lazily walked to the door to lock it...Just when I turned my back she opened her legs she wasn't wearing any panties and her pussy was wet asf 😝...She asked me if i can play with her pussy... Immediately i felt relieved and jacked up asf 😂...I started using my fingers to spread the the pussy and shifting the hairs aside...Infact her pussy was so small I was like what has my Uncle been up to all this while? Letting such a meal go to waste??..She asked me to eat her cat and I happily began to do it bcos she had just finished bathing and it was clean and scentless...I started licking her clits while my fingers went in and out the pussy...To be frank her hole was hot and soft at the same time...After a few minutes she started to vibrate and in that instant she started acting weird...She held my head onto her pussy so tight and began to rub her pussy all over my face ...Her hair was just brushing my mouth and nostrils till she started pissing on my face...I was like what the fuck aunty just pissed on me...I had never seen a woman squirt so i thought it was urine😁...It wasn't yellowish so i was like is it urine or what...I just watched my Aunty lie helplessly on the couch and she was crying...I didn't know what was wrong with her...As for me I just wanted to fuck her mercilessly as revenge for all the insults and beatings she'd done to me over the months I've been with her...I was so hard and thought how nice it would be to fuck my moms age mate 🤤🤤...But just when I wanted to go fuck her in her helpless state I heard a bang on the gate...It was my cousin 😖😤😤... Quickly my aunty tied the cloth she was wearing about her and acted as if she'd poured water on the couch and carpet and asked me to unlock the door... Even though I didn't get the chance to fuck her again she began to treat me nice and gave me extra cash when I'm going to school...She also gave me more meat during dinner 😊❤️👍
    ·16642 Visualizações
  • Arsenal FC Loyal Fan Quiz
    Calling all Arsenal enthusiasts! Are you ready to put your Gunner knowledge to the test? Step up to the challenge and participate in our quiz, designed especially for die-hard fans like you. how well do you know your team? are you confident enough? Let's go!
    Arsenal FC Loyal Fan Quiz Calling all Arsenal enthusiasts! Are you ready to put your Gunner knowledge to the test? Step up to the challenge and participate in our quiz, designed especially for die-hard fans like you. how well do you know your team? are you confident enough? Let's go!
    ·18295 Visualizações ·1 Visualizações
  • Spotlight on a medieval superstar
    Dante Alighieri,

    Dante Alighieri, one of the towering figures of medieval literature, was born in 1265, in the bustling city of Florence, Italy. He was born into a family with a complex lineage - noble by some accounts, yet devoid of wealth. His mother, Bella, passed away when he was young, and his father followed suit just a few years later, leaving Dante orphaned in his early teens.
    Despite his early losses, Dante received a good education, studying Tuscan poetry, painting, and music. He also studied the classics and theology, and these early experiences would shape his future works. Largely self-educated, Dante claimed to have met Beatrice Portinari, who would become his lifelong muse, at the age of nine. This unattainable love, which he immortalized in his work "La Vita Nuova," had a profound influence on his writing.
    Dante’s early adulthood was marked by political involvement. He held various public offices and was part of the White Guelphs, a political faction that was at odds with the Black Guelphs, who were supported by the Pope. His political activities led to his exile in 1302, a fate that turned him into a wandering poet and initiated his most productive and creative period.
    During his exile, Dante composed his most notable work, "The Divine Comedy," an epic poem that is considered one of the greatest literary works composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature. Written in the first person, the poem tells of Dante's journey through the three realms of the death - Hell (Inferno), Purgatory (Purgatorio), and Heaven (Paradiso) - guided first by the Roman poet Virgil and then by his beloved Beatrice.
    In "The Divine Comedy," Dante combined his political, religious, and personal life with contemporary events, creating an amalgam of fiction and reality that was groundbreaking for its time. The poem is renowned for its depth and for Dante's innovative use of the vernacular Italian language, which helped standardize the Italian language and establish it as a serious medium for literature.
    Dante Alighieri died in 1321, while in exile in Ravenna, Italy. Although he never returned to his beloved Florence, his body of work has immortalized his name, and his vision of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven continues to shape the modern Christian understanding of the afterlife. His profound influence on countless writers and artists throughout history cements his standing as one of the most important figures in world literature.
    Spotlight on a medieval superstar Dante Alighieri, Dante Alighieri, one of the towering figures of medieval literature, was born in 1265, in the bustling city of Florence, Italy. He was born into a family with a complex lineage - noble by some accounts, yet devoid of wealth. His mother, Bella, passed away when he was young, and his father followed suit just a few years later, leaving Dante orphaned in his early teens. Despite his early losses, Dante received a good education, studying Tuscan poetry, painting, and music. He also studied the classics and theology, and these early experiences would shape his future works. Largely self-educated, Dante claimed to have met Beatrice Portinari, who would become his lifelong muse, at the age of nine. This unattainable love, which he immortalized in his work "La Vita Nuova," had a profound influence on his writing. Dante’s early adulthood was marked by political involvement. He held various public offices and was part of the White Guelphs, a political faction that was at odds with the Black Guelphs, who were supported by the Pope. His political activities led to his exile in 1302, a fate that turned him into a wandering poet and initiated his most productive and creative period. During his exile, Dante composed his most notable work, "The Divine Comedy," an epic poem that is considered one of the greatest literary works composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature. Written in the first person, the poem tells of Dante's journey through the three realms of the death - Hell (Inferno), Purgatory (Purgatorio), and Heaven (Paradiso) - guided first by the Roman poet Virgil and then by his beloved Beatrice. In "The Divine Comedy," Dante combined his political, religious, and personal life with contemporary events, creating an amalgam of fiction and reality that was groundbreaking for its time. The poem is renowned for its depth and for Dante's innovative use of the vernacular Italian language, which helped standardize the Italian language and establish it as a serious medium for literature. Dante Alighieri died in 1321, while in exile in Ravenna, Italy. Although he never returned to his beloved Florence, his body of work has immortalized his name, and his vision of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven continues to shape the modern Christian understanding of the afterlife. His profound influence on countless writers and artists throughout history cements his standing as one of the most important figures in world literature.
    1 Comentários ·5160 Visualizações
  • Newsletter Article: Archeological Find in Namibian Desert Unveils £9 Million Worth of Gold and Coins

    In a remarkable turn of events, an unexpected discovery in the Namibian desert has captured the attention of archeologists and treasure enthusiasts alike. A fortunate miner, while pursuing other endeavors, stumbled upon a 500-year-old shipwreck concealed beneath the sands. What awaited within the depths of this ancient vessel proved to be nothing short of extraordinary – £9 million worth of gold and coins, concealed for centuries beneath the desert's surface.

    The significance of this find extends far beyond the monetary value it represents. It offers a tantalizing glimpse into the maritime history of the region, shedding light on trade routes and historical events that have long remained obscured by time. Archeologists are already hard at work, meticulously documenting and preserving every artifact recovered from the site, piecing together the story of this long-forgotten vessel and its journey through the ages.

    As news of this remarkable discovery spreads, it serves as a reminder of the enduring allure of archeology and the thrill of uncovering treasures from the past. It also underscores the importance of preserving our cultural heritage and ensuring that such finds are safeguarded for future generations to study and appreciate.

    In the midst of this excitement, it is also worth noting the continued growth and success of TSN Tellit Social Network. In just three months since its inception, TSN has emerged as the fastest-growing content monetization site, with over 1.250m already paid out to its members. This platform provides a unique opportunity for content creators to share their stories, insights, and experiences while earning a fair and equitable income for their contributions.

    As we marvel at the wonders of the past uncovered in the Namibian desert, let us also celebrate the achievements of TSN Tellit Social Network and the countless individuals who continue to shape its vibrant community. Together, we embark on a journey of discovery and innovation, forging connections across time and space through the power of storytelling.
    Newsletter Article: Archeological Find in Namibian Desert Unveils £9 Million Worth of Gold and Coins In a remarkable turn of events, an unexpected discovery in the Namibian desert has captured the attention of archeologists and treasure enthusiasts alike. A fortunate miner, while pursuing other endeavors, stumbled upon a 500-year-old shipwreck concealed beneath the sands. What awaited within the depths of this ancient vessel proved to be nothing short of extraordinary – £9 million worth of gold and coins, concealed for centuries beneath the desert's surface. The significance of this find extends far beyond the monetary value it represents. It offers a tantalizing glimpse into the maritime history of the region, shedding light on trade routes and historical events that have long remained obscured by time. Archeologists are already hard at work, meticulously documenting and preserving every artifact recovered from the site, piecing together the story of this long-forgotten vessel and its journey through the ages. As news of this remarkable discovery spreads, it serves as a reminder of the enduring allure of archeology and the thrill of uncovering treasures from the past. It also underscores the importance of preserving our cultural heritage and ensuring that such finds are safeguarded for future generations to study and appreciate. In the midst of this excitement, it is also worth noting the continued growth and success of TSN Tellit Social Network. In just three months since its inception, TSN has emerged as the fastest-growing content monetization site, with over 1.250m already paid out to its members. This platform provides a unique opportunity for content creators to share their stories, insights, and experiences while earning a fair and equitable income for their contributions. As we marvel at the wonders of the past uncovered in the Namibian desert, let us also celebrate the achievements of TSN Tellit Social Network and the countless individuals who continue to shape its vibrant community. Together, we embark on a journey of discovery and innovation, forging connections across time and space through the power of storytelling.
    ·13354 Visualizações
  • #art #artist #artwork #arte #artistsoninstagram #party #artoftheday #digitalart #makeupartist #nailart #artgallery #instaart #artofvisuals #artsy #jakarta #contemporaryart #streetart #arts #artistic #fanart #heart #abstractart #artofinstagram #artesanato #artists #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #artcollector #fineart
    #tattooartist #nailsart #earth #artesanal #cartoon #tattooart #artista #modernart #instaartist #animeart #myart #startup #artforsale #artlife #artlover #artworks #artstagram #brokenheart #artisan #picsart #artoninstagram #nailartist #digitalartist #gainparty #urbanart #wallart #artstudio #cartagena #traditionalart #partytime
    #art #artist #arte #digitalart #artgallery #instaart #artsy #artista #birthdayparty #artphotography #art_of_japan_ #photoart #yogyakarta #artdephu #earthpix #graffitiart #lashartist #martialarts #illustrationartists #earthfocus #beautiful #draw #sketching #drawingoftheday #sketches #gallery #inktober #illustration #dibujo #creative
    #art #artist #artwork #arte #artistsoninstagram #party #artoftheday #digitalart #makeupartist #nailart #artgallery #instaart #artofvisuals #artsy #jakarta #contemporaryart #streetart #arts #artistic #fanart #heart #abstractart #artofinstagram #artesanato #artists #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #artcollector #fineart #tattooartist #nailsart #earth #artesanal #cartoon #tattooart #artista #modernart #instaartist #animeart #myart #startup #artforsale #artlife #artlover #artworks #artstagram #brokenheart #artisan #picsart #artoninstagram #nailartist #digitalartist #gainparty #urbanart #wallart #artstudio #cartagena #traditionalart #partytime #art #artist #arte #digitalart #artgallery #instaart #artsy #artista #birthdayparty #artphotography #art_of_japan_ #photoart #yogyakarta #artdephu #earthpix #graffitiart #lashartist #martialarts #illustrationartists #earthfocus #beautiful #draw #sketching #drawingoftheday #sketches #gallery #inktober #illustration #dibujo #creative
    ·25823 Visualizações
  • #art #artist #artwork #arte #artistsoninstagram #party #artoftheday #digitalart #makeupartist #nailart #artgallery #instaart #artofvisuals #artsy #jakarta #contemporaryart #streetart #arts #artistic #fanart #heart #abstractart #artofinstagram #artesanato #artists #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #artcollector #fineart
    #tattooartist #nailsart #earth #artesanal #cartoon #tattooart #artista #modernart #instaartist #animeart #myart #startup #artforsale #artlife #artlover #artworks #artstagram #brokenheart #artisan #picsart #artoninstagram #nailartist #digitalartist #gainparty #urbanart #wallart #artstudio #cartagena #traditionalart #partytime
    #art #artist #arte #digitalart #artgallery #instaart #artsy #artista #birthdayparty #artphotography #art_of_japan_ #photoart #yogyakarta #artdephu #earthpix #graffitiart #lashartist #martialarts #illustrationartists #earthfocus #beautiful #draw #sketching #drawingoftheday #sketches #gallery #inktober #illustration #dibujo #creative
    #art #artist #artwork #arte #artistsoninstagram #party #artoftheday #digitalart #makeupartist #nailart #artgallery #instaart #artofvisuals #artsy #jakarta #contemporaryart #streetart #arts #artistic #fanart #heart #abstractart #artofinstagram #artesanato #artists #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #artcollector #fineart #tattooartist #nailsart #earth #artesanal #cartoon #tattooart #artista #modernart #instaartist #animeart #myart #startup #artforsale #artlife #artlover #artworks #artstagram #brokenheart #artisan #picsart #artoninstagram #nailartist #digitalartist #gainparty #urbanart #wallart #artstudio #cartagena #traditionalart #partytime #art #artist #arte #digitalart #artgallery #instaart #artsy #artista #birthdayparty #artphotography #art_of_japan_ #photoart #yogyakarta #artdephu #earthpix #graffitiart #lashartist #martialarts #illustrationartists #earthfocus #beautiful #draw #sketching #drawingoftheday #sketches #gallery #inktober #illustration #dibujo #creative
    ·30473 Visualizações
  • #art #artist #artwork #arte #artistsoninstagram #party #artoftheday #digitalart #makeupartist #nailart #artgallery #instaart #artofvisuals #artsy #jakarta #contemporaryart #streetart #arts #artistic #fanart #heart #abstractart #artofinstagram #artesanato #artists #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #artcollector #fineart
    #tattooartist #nailsart #earth #artesanal #cartoon #tattooart #artista #modernart #instaartist #animeart #myart #startup #artforsale #artlife #artlover #artworks #artstagram #brokenheart #artisan #picsart #artoninstagram #nailartist #digitalartist #gainparty #urbanart #wallart #artstudio #cartagena #traditionalart #partytime
    #art #artist #arte #digitalart #artgallery #instaart #artsy #artista #birthdayparty #artphotography #art_of_japan_ #photoart #yogyakarta #artdephu #earthpix #graffitiart #lashartist #martialarts #illustrationartists #earthfocus #beautiful #draw #sketching #drawingoftheday #sketches #gallery #inktober #illustration #dibujo #creative
    #art #artist #artwork #arte #artistsoninstagram #party #artoftheday #digitalart #makeupartist #nailart #artgallery #instaart #artofvisuals #artsy #jakarta #contemporaryart #streetart #arts #artistic #fanart #heart #abstractart #artofinstagram #artesanato #artists #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #artcollector #fineart #tattooartist #nailsart #earth #artesanal #cartoon #tattooart #artista #modernart #instaartist #animeart #myart #startup #artforsale #artlife #artlover #artworks #artstagram #brokenheart #artisan #picsart #artoninstagram #nailartist #digitalartist #gainparty #urbanart #wallart #artstudio #cartagena #traditionalart #partytime #art #artist #arte #digitalart #artgallery #instaart #artsy #artista #birthdayparty #artphotography #art_of_japan_ #photoart #yogyakarta #artdephu #earthpix #graffitiart #lashartist #martialarts #illustrationartists #earthfocus #beautiful #draw #sketching #drawingoftheday #sketches #gallery #inktober #illustration #dibujo #creative
    ·34133 Visualizações
  • #art #artist #artwork #arte #artistsoninstagram #party #artoftheday #digitalart #makeupartist #nailart #artgallery #instaart #artofvisuals #artsy #jakarta #contemporaryart #streetart #arts #artistic #fanart #heart #abstractart #artofinstagram #artesanato #artists #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #artcollector #fineart
    #tattooartist #nailsart #earth #artesanal #cartoon #tattooart #artista #modernart #instaartist #animeart #myart #startup #artforsale #artlife #artlover #artworks #artstagram #brokenheart #artisan #picsart #artoninstagram #nailartist #digitalartist #gainparty #urbanart #wallart #artstudio #cartagena #traditionalart #partytime
    #art #artist #arte #digitalart #artgallery #instaart #artsy #artista #birthdayparty #artphotography #art_of_japan_ #photoart #yogyakarta #artdephu #earthpix #graffitiart #lashartist #martialarts #illustrationartists #earthfocus #beautiful #draw #sketching #drawingoftheday #sketches #gallery #inktober #illustration #dibujo #creative
    #art #artist #artwork #arte #artistsoninstagram #party #artoftheday #digitalart #makeupartist #nailart #artgallery #instaart #artofvisuals #artsy #jakarta #contemporaryart #streetart #arts #artistic #fanart #heart #abstractart #artofinstagram #artesanato #artists #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #artcollector #fineart #tattooartist #nailsart #earth #artesanal #cartoon #tattooart #artista #modernart #instaartist #animeart #myart #startup #artforsale #artlife #artlover #artworks #artstagram #brokenheart #artisan #picsart #artoninstagram #nailartist #digitalartist #gainparty #urbanart #wallart #artstudio #cartagena #traditionalart #partytime #art #artist #arte #digitalart #artgallery #instaart #artsy #artista #birthdayparty #artphotography #art_of_japan_ #photoart #yogyakarta #artdephu #earthpix #graffitiart #lashartist #martialarts #illustrationartists #earthfocus #beautiful #draw #sketching #drawingoftheday #sketches #gallery #inktober #illustration #dibujo #creative
    ·32583 Visualizações
  • #art #artist #artwork #arte #artistsoninstagram #party #artoftheday #digitalart #makeupartist #nailart #artgallery #instaart #artofvisuals #artsy #jakarta #contemporaryart #streetart #arts #artistic #fanart #heart #abstractart #artofinstagram #artesanato #artists #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #artcollector #fineart
    #tattooartist #nailsart #earth #artesanal #cartoon #tattooart #artista #modernart #instaartist #animeart #myart #startup #artforsale #artlife #artlover #artworks #artstagram #brokenheart #artisan #picsart #artoninstagram #nailartist #digitalartist #gainparty #urbanart #wallart #artstudio #cartagena #traditionalart #partytime
    #art #artist #arte #digitalart #artgallery #instaart #artsy #artista #birthdayparty #artphotography #art_of_japan_ #photoart #yogyakarta #artdephu #earthpix #graffitiart #lashartist #martialarts #illustrationartists #earthfocus #beautiful #draw #sketching #drawingoftheday #sketches #gallery #inktober #illustration #dibujo #creative
    #art #artist #artwork #arte #artistsoninstagram #party #artoftheday #digitalart #makeupartist #nailart #artgallery #instaart #artofvisuals #artsy #jakarta #contemporaryart #streetart #arts #artistic #fanart #heart #abstractart #artofinstagram #artesanato #artists #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #artcollector #fineart #tattooartist #nailsart #earth #artesanal #cartoon #tattooart #artista #modernart #instaartist #animeart #myart #startup #artforsale #artlife #artlover #artworks #artstagram #brokenheart #artisan #picsart #artoninstagram #nailartist #digitalartist #gainparty #urbanart #wallart #artstudio #cartagena #traditionalart #partytime #art #artist #arte #digitalart #artgallery #instaart #artsy #artista #birthdayparty #artphotography #art_of_japan_ #photoart #yogyakarta #artdephu #earthpix #graffitiart #lashartist #martialarts #illustrationartists #earthfocus #beautiful #draw #sketching #drawingoftheday #sketches #gallery #inktober #illustration #dibujo #creative
    ·30892 Visualizações
  • #art #artist #artwork #arte #artistsoninstagram #party #artoftheday #digitalart #makeupartist #nailart #artgallery #instaart #artofvisuals #artsy #jakarta #contemporaryart #streetart #arts #artistic #fanart #heart #abstractart #artofinstagram #artesanato #artists #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #artcollector #fineart
    #tattooartist #nailsart #earth #artesanal #cartoon #tattooart #artista #modernart #instaartist #animeart #myart #startup #artforsale #artlife #artlover #artworks #artstagram #brokenheart #artisan #picsart #artoninstagram #nailartist #digitalartist #gainparty #urbanart #wallart #artstudio #cartagena #traditionalart #partytime
    #art #artist #arte #digitalart #artgallery #instaart #artsy #artista #birthdayparty #artphotography #art_of_japan_ #photoart #yogyakarta #artdephu #earthpix #graffitiart #lashartist #martialarts #illustrationartists #earthfocus #beautiful #draw #sketching #drawingoftheday #sketches #gallery #inktober #illustration #dibujo #creative
    #art #artist #artwork #arte #artistsoninstagram #party #artoftheday #digitalart #makeupartist #nailart #artgallery #instaart #artofvisuals #artsy #jakarta #contemporaryart #streetart #arts #artistic #fanart #heart #abstractart #artofinstagram #artesanato #artists #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #artcollector #fineart #tattooartist #nailsart #earth #artesanal #cartoon #tattooart #artista #modernart #instaartist #animeart #myart #startup #artforsale #artlife #artlover #artworks #artstagram #brokenheart #artisan #picsart #artoninstagram #nailartist #digitalartist #gainparty #urbanart #wallart #artstudio #cartagena #traditionalart #partytime #art #artist #arte #digitalart #artgallery #instaart #artsy #artista #birthdayparty #artphotography #art_of_japan_ #photoart #yogyakarta #artdephu #earthpix #graffitiart #lashartist #martialarts #illustrationartists #earthfocus #beautiful #draw #sketching #drawingoftheday #sketches #gallery #inktober #illustration #dibujo #creative
    ·30682 Visualizações
  • #art #artist #artwork #arte #artistsoninstagram #party #artoftheday #digitalart #makeupartist #nailart #artgallery #instaart #artofvisuals #artsy #jakarta #contemporaryart #streetart #arts #artistic #fanart #heart #abstractart #artofinstagram #artesanato #artists #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #artcollector #fineart
    #tattooartist #nailsart #earth #artesanal #cartoon #tattooart #artista #modernart #instaartist #animeart #myart #startup #artforsale #artlife #artlover #artworks #artstagram #brokenheart #artisan #picsart #artoninstagram #nailartist #digitalartist #gainparty #urbanart #wallart #artstudio #cartagena #traditionalart #partytime
    #art #artist #arte #digitalart #artgallery #instaart #artsy #artista #birthdayparty #artphotography #art_of_japan_ #photoart #yogyakarta #artdephu #earthpix #graffitiart #lashartist #martialarts #illustrationartists #earthfocus #beautiful #draw #sketching #drawingoftheday #sketches #gallery #inktober #illustration #dibujo #creative
    #art #artist #artwork #arte #artistsoninstagram #party #artoftheday #digitalart #makeupartist #nailart #artgallery #instaart #artofvisuals #artsy #jakarta #contemporaryart #streetart #arts #artistic #fanart #heart #abstractart #artofinstagram #artesanato #artists #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #artcollector #fineart #tattooartist #nailsart #earth #artesanal #cartoon #tattooart #artista #modernart #instaartist #animeart #myart #startup #artforsale #artlife #artlover #artworks #artstagram #brokenheart #artisan #picsart #artoninstagram #nailartist #digitalartist #gainparty #urbanart #wallart #artstudio #cartagena #traditionalart #partytime #art #artist #arte #digitalart #artgallery #instaart #artsy #artista #birthdayparty #artphotography #art_of_japan_ #photoart #yogyakarta #artdephu #earthpix #graffitiart #lashartist #martialarts #illustrationartists #earthfocus #beautiful #draw #sketching #drawingoftheday #sketches #gallery #inktober #illustration #dibujo #creative
    ·30831 Visualizações
  • Are you passionate about sharing your stories, expertise, or creativity? you can earn while doing what you love on TSN!

    Here’s what you can look forward to:
    Monetize Your Content: Turn your posts, videos, and creations into revenue streams.
    Connect with Your Audience: Build meaningful relationships with your followers and fans.
    Unlock Your Potential: Explore new opportunities and reach new heights as a creator.

    Join the TSN community today and start turning your passion into profit! #TSN #Creators #MonetizeYourPassion
    Are you passionate about sharing your stories, expertise, or creativity? you can earn while doing what you love on TSN! 🎉 Here’s what you can look forward to: 1️⃣ Monetize Your Content: Turn your posts, videos, and creations into revenue streams. 2️⃣ Connect with Your Audience: Build meaningful relationships with your followers and fans. 3️⃣ Unlock Your Potential: Explore new opportunities and reach new heights as a creator. Join the TSN community today and start turning your passion into profit! 💸✨ #TSN #Creators #MonetizeYourPassion
    ·5723 Visualizações
  • Nikola Tesla once received a copy of Walter Russell's Cosmology and responded back by urging him to lock up this knowledge for 1,000 years until mankind was ready for it.

    "The electric energy which motivates us is not within our bodies at all. It is a part of the universal supply which flows through us from the Universal Source with an intensity set by
    our desires and our will." - Walter Russell

    Nikola Tesla once received a copy of Walter Russell's Cosmology and responded back by urging him to lock up this knowledge for 1,000 years until mankind was ready for it. "The electric energy which motivates us is not within our bodies at all. It is a part of the universal supply which flows through us from the Universal Source with an intensity set by our desires and our will." - Walter Russell Copied
    ·5861 Visualizações
  • In the rich tapestry of life, threads of adventure, loss, and hope weave a narrative that shapes our journey. Picture a lost expedition, where a dear friend navigated uncharted territories in the battle against breast cancer, a terrain she never imagined traversing.

    Reflecting on her journey, we recognize the power of maps. Early detection, akin to a well-drawn map, could have guided her to safer shores. Today, self-examinations stand as the compass, and awareness is the key to navigating this complex terrain.

    To every adventurer on life’s journey, consider this a call to arms. Arm yourself with knowledge, embark on the quest of self-awareness, and share your findings with fellow explorers. Together, we become a formidable force against the shadows of breast cancer.

    Loss often serves as a bridge—a connection between yesterday and tomorrow. Let’s build bridges of awareness that span communities, linking hearts and fostering a culture where early detection isn’t just a choice but a shared responsibility.

    Amidst the adventures and challenges, let hope be our guiding star. The pink ribbon becomes a beacon, symbolizing not just loss but a rallying point for collective action. Through awareness, we kindle a flame that lights the way for others.

    As we navigate this journey, remember you’re not alone. Communities of support, filled with stories of resilience and shared knowledge, become anchors in the storm. Together, we forge a path of understanding, acceptance, and hope.

    In this adventure of life, let’s learn, share, and uplift. Loss becomes a catalyst for change, and awareness transforms into a guiding light. May every day be a chapter of inspiration, education, and collective strength as we sail towards a future where breast health is a well-charted course. #BreastHealthAdventure #NavigateWithHope #AwarenessMatters
    In the rich tapestry of life, threads of adventure, loss, and hope weave a narrative that shapes our journey. Picture a lost expedition, where a dear friend navigated uncharted territories in the battle against breast cancer, a terrain she never imagined traversing. Reflecting on her journey, we recognize the power of maps. Early detection, akin to a well-drawn map, could have guided her to safer shores. Today, self-examinations stand as the compass, and awareness is the key to navigating this complex terrain. To every adventurer on life’s journey, consider this a call to arms. Arm yourself with knowledge, embark on the quest of self-awareness, and share your findings with fellow explorers. Together, we become a formidable force against the shadows of breast cancer. Loss often serves as a bridge—a connection between yesterday and tomorrow. Let’s build bridges of awareness that span communities, linking hearts and fostering a culture where early detection isn’t just a choice but a shared responsibility. Amidst the adventures and challenges, let hope be our guiding star. The pink ribbon becomes a beacon, symbolizing not just loss but a rallying point for collective action. Through awareness, we kindle a flame that lights the way for others. As we navigate this journey, remember you’re not alone. Communities of support, filled with stories of resilience and shared knowledge, become anchors in the storm. Together, we forge a path of understanding, acceptance, and hope. In this adventure of life, let’s learn, share, and uplift. Loss becomes a catalyst for change, and awareness transforms into a guiding light. May every day be a chapter of inspiration, education, and collective strength as we sail towards a future where breast health is a well-charted course. 🌊🌟 #BreastHealthAdventure #NavigateWithHope #AwarenessMatters
    ·5450 Visualizações
  • Professor Pat Utomi, has revealed that the presidential candidates of the PDP, LP, and the NNPP have joined forces to establish a formidable political party aimed at ousting the All Progressives Congress (APC) in 2027.

    Peter Obi, Atiku and kwankwaso...

    What will be the name of this party?
    Professor Pat Utomi, has revealed that the presidential candidates of the PDP, LP, and the NNPP have joined forces to establish a formidable political party aimed at ousting the All Progressives Congress (APC) in 2027. Peter Obi, Atiku and kwankwaso... What will be the name of this party?
    ·1260 Visualizações
  • BREAKING: S’Court reserves judgment in PDP, APC’s appeals against Otti

    The Supreme Court has reserved judgment in the appeals by the Peoples Democratic Party and the All Progressives Congress against the election of Alex Otti.
    BREAKING: S’Court reserves judgment in PDP, APC’s appeals against Otti The Supreme Court has reserved judgment in the appeals by the Peoples Democratic Party and the All Progressives Congress against the election of Alex Otti.
    ·1310 Visualizações
  • SDP governorship candidate for the 2023 election Magnus abe has dumped the party, to return to APC
    SDP governorship candidate for the 2023 election Magnus abe has dumped the party, to return to APC
    ·1189 Visualizações

    Governor Fubara reacts to Edison Ehie resignation
    Says it's an indication of how far he has gone to let peace in Rivers State prevail

    Gov fubara says he will not be involved in any dirty fight with anybody

    Governor Fubara says his decision to obey the 8 point resolution was not out of fear but out of respect for Rivers elders

    Secretary to the state.
    Tammy danagogo says the governor has remained focused to fulfill all his promises to Rivers people despite all the distractions

    SDP governorship candidate for the 2023 election Magnus abe has dumped the party, to return to APC

    2023 Accord governorship candidate dumo lulu Briggs has withdrawn his appeal at the supreme Court against INEC, PDP and Gov Fubara.
    Says the decision is his own contribution to reduce the tension in Rivers State politics

    Banks and public offices will reopen today.
    While Schools are expected to reopen next week

    Diobu vigilante head has urged the police to prioritize the prosecution of suspects
    Say it has become necessary as the
    Diobu vigilante has rearrested a suspect they have arrest before who was involved in last year UST hostel incident
    was arrested trying to steal phones and valuables from motorists yesterday

    Nigeria teachers union in Rivers State has asked the State government to increase funding for education in the state
    They also appeal to Gov Sim to implement the new 65 year age limit for retirement
    RIVERS STATE UPDATE Governor Fubara reacts to Edison Ehie resignation Says it's an indication of how far he has gone to let peace in Rivers State prevail Gov fubara says he will not be involved in any dirty fight with anybody Governor Fubara says his decision to obey the 8 point resolution was not out of fear but out of respect for Rivers elders Secretary to the state. Tammy danagogo says the governor has remained focused to fulfill all his promises to Rivers people despite all the distractions SDP governorship candidate for the 2023 election Magnus abe has dumped the party, to return to APC 2023 Accord governorship candidate dumo lulu Briggs has withdrawn his appeal at the supreme Court against INEC, PDP and Gov Fubara. Says the decision is his own contribution to reduce the tension in Rivers State politics Banks and public offices will reopen today. While Schools are expected to reopen next week Diobu vigilante head has urged the police to prioritize the prosecution of suspects Say it has become necessary as the Diobu vigilante has rearrested a suspect they have arrest before who was involved in last year UST hostel incident He was arrested trying to steal phones and valuables from motorists yesterday Nigeria teachers union in Rivers State has asked the State government to increase funding for education in the state They also appeal to Gov Sim to implement the new 65 year age limit for retirement
    ·1580 Visualizações ·16 Visualizações
  • We will be doing this every Tuesday of the week starting today.

    Drop your business under the comment sections. We'll be retweeting all your Business, skill and products...

    Tell us what you do

    Don't forget to like and retweet for others to see.

    Thank you
    We will be doing this every Tuesday of the week starting today. Drop your business under the comment sections. We'll be retweeting all your Business, skill and products... Tell us what you do Don't forget to like and retweet for others to see. Thank you
    ·795 Visualizações ·36 Visualizações